Thursday, January 2, 2014

1st Weigh In of 2014

Drum roll please......

Today's weight: 104.5 Kilos = 230.4 lbs
Starting weight: 109.9 Kilos =  242.3lbs

Down: 11.9lbs

It was a very intereting New Year. Wine and cupcakes everywhere and I did not even touch one.
Made it a point not to focus on the food that my family and I were about to share, but made my focus in the conversation and memories. For the first time I made sure that food was not in the forefront. It was a good little battle to overcome.

Here comes the the hard part. My family has been supporting me for the last 2 weeks. Helping me with my decisions. Starting tomorrow, I will be on my own. Back in Los Angeles with old habits awaiting me. The new me needs to kick them out of my life and make sure they do not return and that I do not accept them back. I will be strong!

Cheers to will power!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Realizing True Committment and Starting Over

It has been over a year since my last blog. Many upon many things have occurred since then. I battled an illness, became an active event planner and now presenter/trainer for the Dept of Recreation and Parks. My schedule, set backs etc hampered me from achieving more of my goals.

In January of 2013 I became sick. I was laid flat out on my bed for 3 weeks. I could not move due to pain and excessive bleeding. I found out my condition. I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or  PCOS. Why is that important? Long story short, that is why I was not able to win the battle of weight loss. PCOS hinders my hormones, reduces my metabolism and produces extra sugar that my body does not need. Thank God for Dr. Carolyn Alexander. She has put me on a treatment that has helped me control my condition. This treatment is also suppose to help me to lose weight. I was so excited!

Why do I say was? Well from January to Septemeber I lost 10lbs. I want to get under 200lbs for my cousin´s wedding, however like always did not reach my goal. I stayed content. After the wedding, until November, I gained 5lbs and lost 5lbs. I guess you can say I am keeping it neutral.

After spending Thanksgiving in Mexico, I pondered and agreed to have gastric bypass surgery. It would be great! I have the support of my family. It will help me to reduce my treat of PCOS, and, of course, make me look better in clothes. My uncle, who is like my father, even though we did not see eye to eye, supported me on my decision, However, I could tell something was holding him back. He had a trick up his sleeve.

 As I mentioned earlier, my uncle and I did not see eye to eye on the surgery.He wanted an alternative. He found  Dr. Alma Rosa Cervantez. She specializes and treats patients with obesity. Many of her clients are TV Novela Celebrities. Two other people that my uncle knows have gone through her and have lost most of their weight and have been able to maintain it. . Dr. Cervantez does weight reduction massage therapy. It breaks up the fat and resculpts your body. Not only that, you also have to follow a diet that is in accordance to your body type and style. He asked me to do this treatment as last resort. After debating it, I agreed. I thought if it does not work then I can do the bypass. On December 21st, I decided to start treatment here in Mexico City. Since then I am down 6lbs and lost a couple of inches.

Over a year ago I thought that this weight loss thing clicked. That eating right and exercise was the way to go. I still agree with that, however now I learned is that I needed to add one more thing. MENTAL COMMITTMENT. In the last 3 weeks, I have disappointed a person very important to me. I did not mean too. It was never my intention, however my inability to commit to myself affected my dear friend. Why is that important? Because of that inability to commit, it affected me physically. Everyone believed in me, including my good friend, but I never believed in myself. I learned from days of crying, that the reason I never lost weight is because I never believed that I could and, most importantly, I was never committed to myself. Unfortunately it took VERY tough love and disappointing this person to start seeing it.

I always thought that I did. I swore up the ying yang that I was dedicated to my being. I mean look, I survived the roughest eight years of my life, yet the question I had to ask and answer to myself was... If I am so dedicated to me, then why am I still the way that I am? I made excuses. It is because of work, I have no time, my new business, school, money etc etc etc. Never once did I state the TRUTH.
Truth is... I bottled up too much, I take too much on and I put everyone first before me. I do not love me!

Can six days change a person? Perhaps not. However 3 weeks can make you reflect on a lot! So it has clicked in three ways. In order to reinvent Jackie, Jackie has to focus on three things. First and formost, mental committment. If I do not fully commit to loving me in all aspects of my life, then I will never succeed. Second the old tradition of diet and exercise. I want to be healthy, I do not want to suffer like I did in the begining of the year. I want to look sexy in those jeans.  I need to continue with the old fashion diet and exercise. The third way to reinvent Jackie is to Keep It Real. Always be positive, always be upfront and always be open to change. From here on out I promise to post my progress so I can keep myself on track. I will post failures and successes. This is going to be a 180. Complete change physically, spiritually, and MENTALLY!

So here is my first step: On December 21st I weighed 109.9 kilos 242lbs. Today December 29th I weigh 106.2 kilos. 234lbs. I ask everyone who follows this blog to help me in the following: 1) to pray for my strength and success and 2) help keep me on track. Please hold me accountable.

It has finally clicked. Now it is my time! It is my change. I know with mental change, I will be able to lose the weight I want, achieve personal goals with in the next 5 years and be the person who I know that I can be.

Here is to success! Cheers!

Friday, August 24, 2012


All my friends! I am here in Vegas ready to have fun, but you know it tempts your diet. Send me all your good vibes so I may stay in track! I will post on how Vegas treats me when I return!

Lady Luck shall be on my side both in money and health! Cheers!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

and the WINNER is?

On Wednesday, I weighed in. This was no normal weigh in. This was a due or die weigh in. Yes, it was THAT important. I had a goal, it was to lose 8lbs by August 8th. I entered Forged Fit and the first thing I went straight too was the scale. Dagan asked if I wanted to work out first and sweat a little before weighing in. My answer: No lets get it over with. I took off my shoes, got on the scale and closed my eyes. I was so nervous that I would be just shy from my goal. At that moment all I knew was that I was proud of myself for trying  to accomplish something and if I lost, I will still continue.

As I was thinking about this, Dagan yells no way! My heart sank and I was like I guess I didn't hit it. I opened my eyes and he yells NO ***** WAY!!! I knew right then something was up. He didn't tell me what was going on until I got off the scale.

With a large smile on his face he said Jackie you lost 7lbs! I was like that's great, but the goal was 8. He explained it was 7lbs this week alone. That the total overall lost was 9lbs. Not only did I lose the goal amount of 8, but I went over by 1. I was in shock! Did I really do this? Did I actually accomplish something in regards to my weight? Did I really lose 9lbs? Really from 240.5 to 233.5???


I continued my workout in shock. It didn't hit me until I got into the car and started to receive facebook updates and text messages from everyone Dagan contacted. I cried. People always believed that I could do it, but I never believed that I could. I guess working out and exercise does work. :) I also used My Fitness Pal to help me journal my daily routine. This was the first time I proved myself wrong. It gave me a sense of confidence. Maybe I need to put me first to accomplish my first goal.

For all those who never believed in themselves and put others first, I say to you, it is ok to believe and put yourself first. You cannot truly love and support others, if you do not truly love and support yourself. By doing so, you feel more passion and more energy to conquer your battles and to share that passion with others. You become better equipped to help others because you have that joy, passion and celebration in your heart.

Speaking of celebration, I treated myself to no evening workout :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Just Doing It

So it has been 3 days since my last post. I know many of you may be curious on how I did in my weigh in. After a terrific 1st week. Week two brought me back to reality of my struggle. I came in weighing 240lbs. Yes, I am up two. :( Honestly I thought I was going to lose at least one pound, but there is one thing I most say; as much I am focused on this journey and to complete it, I am not prioritizing my exercise.

The one thing many people know about me is that I am a very busy person. Between my full time job, my new business, getting my Masters and life, I tend to put myself last. It is not an excuse, but a fact. I have done it all my life, but sometimes you just have to break tradition. Many think that things like this come easy, it does not! However, knowing it will be a struggle, you must fight even harder!

After Wednesday's weigh in, I retreated. (It is a typical Jackie style) I needed to rethink. As I did, I felt many emotions come through. Many doubts and fears, but also a sense of pride. The fact I am trying to do something. This was the perfect time for Yogurtland, ice cream and brie with crackers. I did none of that. I continued on my course. I slacked on exercise on Thursday, but snapped out of it on Friday.

After all this I realized trying and doing are two different things, but they do go hand in hand. You have to try something in or to do it. That means, write in my journal, do my exercise, eat where I can eat and feel good about loving me.

It is definitely easier said than done, it is going to be a life long habit to break, but I have to do it. I am 31 and I need to be in love with all of me and show that off by accomplishing the hardest goal I ever had to face. losing my adult weight.

Whether I reach my first goal on Wednesday or not, I will not stop. I will continue to update my progress and continue on this journey of Self-Love.  From now to Wednesday I need to lose 6lbs. It will be tough, but I am in it and there is no looking back.

Cheers to Change!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eve Before Weigh In #2

I am nervous about tomorrow's weigh in.

I guess I am nervous for two reasons. 1) I made a mistake on Saturday and ate a chicken sandwich from Jack in the Box at 230am. 2) I hit 4lbs last week, and I do not want anything less. I know if I lose even 1 lb I should be proud of myself, but I am becoming more ambitious about this.

I will keep you posted about tomorrow's weigh in. Wish me luck!